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Govt plans to put KES 3 million acres of land under irrigation by 2030
Kimira-Oluch irrigation project | Many locals are reaping big from the project
California’s Drought Conditions and Local Response Forum Hosted by Steve Bennett
Governors from Central Region say Azimio led demos have impacted small scale traders
El Nino: National Irrigation Authority begins preparations flood-prone rice irrigation schemes
Kenya: Annual inflation holds steady in March at 9.2%
EU vows new energy shake-up will replace Russian fuel with green growth
10861 Resilient mitigation water as the key to unlocking GHG goals
UPSC Civil Services Exams Mains 2018, General Studies GS Paper 3 Comprehensive Analysis Part 1
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Food security and climate - part one
FFA2016: SDGs: Transforming the agricultural model: what needs to change and what are the solutions?